The National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan — Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov invites you to participate in the International Symposium «The Contribution of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to World Science and Civilization» which will be held on October 16, 2024, in Dushanbe city, Republic of Tajikistan.
Scholars and specialists, graduate students, doctoral candidates, and PhD. candidates from Tajikistan and abroad are invited to participate. Participation can be either online or offline. Travel expenses are covered by the Symposium participants.
The symposium will address pressing issues in various fields of modern science, including the following areas:
- The era and intellectual environment of the Thinker
- The contribution of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to the development of world science and culture
- The contribution of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to the development of philosophy
- Farabi and modernity.
Articles for the symposium's proceedings are accepted until September 15, 2024. The working languages of the symposium — Tajik, Russian, and English. Participants can join as speakers or listeners. The Zoom link for online participants will be provided no later than October 15, 2024, with a connection check scheduled for October 15, 2024, at 14:00.
Those wishing to participate in the symposium are requested to send the Registration Form to the Organizing Committee by September 15, 2024, via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
Participant Registration Form:
- Full name _______________________________________________
- Place of study or work: ____________________________________
- Position (for students – year of study): ________________________
- Contact phone numbers: ____________________________________
- Email address: ___________________________________________
- Symposium Section: _______________________________________
- Participation format: _______________________________________
For masters, postgraduate students, applicants, doctoral PhD candidates:
- Full name, academic degree, academic title of the scientific supervisor
- Submit your article for publication in the symposium's proceedings to the responsible person via email for your section.
- Articles will not be accepted for publication without an anti-plagiarism report (the minimum originality threshold is 75%).
Article length — 5-6 pages of A4 format, typed in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman font, size 12, with single line spacing. Page settings: paragraph – 10 mm; margins 20 mm on all sides. Text alignment using spaces and tabs is not allowed. Language: Tajik, Russian, or English.
Article title formatting: Topic of the report; author's name(s) printed in bold in the center of the page; the name of the university in italics in the center; abstract, keywords. One empty line should be followed by the main text.
Figures and tables should be typed using Times New Roman font, size 12, with single line spacing. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be in black and white. The use of color and fills is not allowed. All figures and tables must have titles. Scanned images are not allowed.
The bibliography should contain information from accessible sources and be formatted according to GOST R 7.0.5–2008. The bibliography should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, with single line spacing. References in the text should be in square brackets [1, p.16]. Footnotes are not allowed. Articles with many errors or that do not meet the above formatting requirements will not be included in the proceedings. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotes, names, titles, and other information in their reports. Articles will be checked for plagiarism and peer-reviewed. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the thematic and formatting requirements without notifying the author.
The materials submitted to the Organizing Committee will be published in the symposium proceedings in electronic format.
Organizing Committee Address: Republic of Tajikistan, 734025, Dushanbe city, Rudaki Ave. 33, Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov, NAST.
Contact Persons: Mukhiba Talatjanovna Mahmadjonova, Doctor of philosophy, professor, phone: mobile +8(992) 918877009, work 2210728, mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Muboraksho Salovudinovich Shamsov, Head of the History of Philosophy Department, Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, and Law named after A.Bakhovaddinov, NAST +992 918849669, mail: muboraksho_ sh_ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.